organizr - Shortcuts for File Creation with Informative Prefixes
Provides functions for quickly creating R and Python scripts, as well as 'Rmarkdown' or Quarto documents with automatically assigned name prefixes. Prefixes are either file counts (e.g. "001") or dates (e.g. "2022-09-26").
Last updated 2 years ago
3.30 score 4 stars 1 scripts 162 downloadsskewsamp - Estimate Sample Sizes for Group Comparisons with Skewed Distributions
Estimate necessary sample sizes for comparing the location of data from two groups or categories when the distribution of the data is skewed. The package offers a non-parametric method for a Wilcoxon Mann-Whitney test of location shift as well as methods for several generalized linear models, for instance, Gamma regression.
Last updated 3 years ago
2.70 score 1 stars 4 scripts 218 downloads